Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Trisha - we never thought we'd be saying goodbye to you this week. Your special kids are your wonderful legacy, and you took mothering to a new height, with your genuine caring, concern, love, affection, laughter, lightness, and infectious optimism. I was and am a better Mom because of you. Your family treasure you, like you treasured them. Please give Scotty and Grampy a big hug from us - wen iss them and we will miss you. Jordan and Tristan are blessed to have called you Mom. Take care buddy, and leave lots of signs around for us down here. Hugs to Jordan, Tristan, Joli, your parents, your family, Frankie, Grace, Frank, and Zoey. We have a Zoe as well, and I will think of you when I hug her. All of our Love, Carole, Jody, Riley, and Macailin Tanner xoxo